Tuesday, August 13, 2013

From Children's Encyclopedia to Mixed Media Journal

I absolutely love taking an old book, any old book will do, but I especially love old children's books, and turning them into journals.  I have been working on this one for a couple of weeks in my spare time. 

I create the inside pages with things like scrapbook paper, pages from the original book, old envelopes, vintage wallpaper, even some heavy duty gift wrap.  I put in lots of journaling spots and a few photos mats, some pockets and pull-outs for lots of added interest.  I am a collage sheet junkie and have some collage sheet images on almost every page I decorate.  I actually only decorated half the pages in this journal, as I am selling it in my Etsy shop and want to let the buyer put their own spin on the other half of the pages. 

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